First I went to the gym at break...around 2 p.m. I think. I tried to do 20 minutes of intervals on the treadmill as a New Rules
Now, I was completely aware that this class had a cardio component...I figured this would be a fast paced vinyasa flow start similar to Victoria's class. Boy was I wrong. Turns out that the cardio portion was a spin on kick-boxing, step-aerobics, weight lifting and a gazillion squats. All with yoga breathing. For 45 minutes. Oh, and Pilates. Followed by 45 minutes of yoga. Really.
I should have left. My lungs were wheezing and I was pretty sure I was going to puke. This is a yoga studio so no air conditioning...and I, thinking regular yoga, didn't bring any water. Right. Can you picture this? But the ego, despite all I have learned in yoga, is a funny, powerful thing. So I stayed and I gave the entire class my all. And despite the fact that I felt like my legs were going to fall off and my lungs were going to collapse, I really enjoyed it (though I will never, ever do it again following a New Rules workout). I also LOVED the yoga portion. So much so that I signed up for their 1 month unlimited plan. I'll be cutting it close to make any of the 6:30 p.m. classes but they said its cool if I am a few minutes late. Yay!
I actually felt pretty good when I left the class despite having basically lost my voice. So where does that leave me now? Today is my vinyasa class with Victoria and tomorrow morning is a long run with my sister-in-law. I know I could make it through Victoria's class...I am doubtful of the run...but I may, unfortunately have to skip both and try to get into the doctor's today.
I hate being sick. I hate being sick and aggravating it even more because I am too stubborn to sit out a few workouts. I would throw in a 'lesson learned' here except that this is a behavior I repeat pretty lets just say 'lesson noted' and leave it at that.