Friday: Work, Lunchtime yoga class, Out of work by 4:30, in a lawn chair with a drink and a book by 5:30. Made a good grilled fajita dinner complete with too much wine, Mario Kart and a bag of sweet potato chips and guacamole split with Bill. The whole bag.
Saturday: Wake up at 8:30. Smoothie for Breakfast, locksmith, 5 Mile run with Sister-in-Law followed by 1 hour nap, Something for lunch that I can't remember. Dinner was a burger, grill potatoes, spinach and red onions, corn on the cob. Actually, not that bad. Very little alcohol consumed due to hangover (see Friday).
Sunday: Wake up at 10:45!! Smoothie for Breakfast, Chill with Bill, 20 minutes of tough vinyasa practice, Head to Moms where I parked myself next to food, wine spritzers and the pool until 8pm that night. Home to watch Jaws with Bill and stay up way too late.
Monday: Wake up at 9:45!! Smoothie for Breakfast, Head to Moms where I parked myself next to [MUCH LESS] wine spritzers and food and much more in-pool time. Home for 4:30pm, Laundry, Tuna wrap for Dinner, in bed with book by 8:30.
It was a great holiday weekend but now I'm feeling like a cream filled salt puff ... and so its detox time. I am not talking fruit juice and hot pepper or any other weird celeb thing. I'm talking water and water and water and veggies and fruits and exercise. If all goes according to plan, today will look like this:
Breakfast: Smoothie
Snack: granola bar, almonds
Exercise: The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess
Recovery: Protein Shake
Lunch: canned mussells with whole wheat crackers, hot sauce, salad and Chia Seeds
Snack: handful almonds...maybe fruit salad instead
Exercise: 60 minute Vinyasa class/practice
Dinner: Maybe a salad/veggie burger combo. Glass of wine.
Who is back on the wagon with me???
You're doing so much better than 90% of the country. :-) 5 mile run on a Saturday is unheard of. Anyway, I'm with you on the bandwagon thing... detox time! Woooo!!! (Is that deserving of a WOOOOooo?)